Warriors Hate War—Reviewer portal
Strategy, politicization, successes, and failures of the American Military—By Glenn Sturm

Welcome to the review page of Glenn Sturm's new book, Warriors Hate War—Strategy, politicization, successes, and failures of the American Military. If you are here, you have been invited to review or endorse this new work that has been decades in the making.
Why, after over 50 Sigma war games showed us that we could not win, did we still go into Vietnam? Why, if one military doctrine irrefutably indicates that it can succeed time after time, is it not adopted in every military action? Why do warriors hate war? Because their bosses don’t understand it. What’s the mission? How do we win? What is winning? Bush said that winning was when the major combat operations were ceasing. Maybe so, but knowing how to win a war while striving not to be in one makes a real warrior. Warriors Hate War—Strategy, politicization, successes, and failures of the American Military by Glenn Sturm explores the military actions since WWII through lenses that reveal alternate outcomes and pose frameworks that could inform decision-making for the future of war and, more importantly, peace.
Glenn asks that you review this advance-reader PDF and contribute your thoughts, remarks, or endorsement that may be added to the back cover or manuscript.
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"Warriors Hate War systematically looks at the past involvement of the United States military in conflicts around the world and examines patterns and outcomes. The book brings much needed research, analysis, and synthesis, and logically proposes a better way not to repeat the dysfunctions of the past. True warriors understand, as no others can, the true cost of war."
—Gray Johnson—Former United States Army Company Commander
"Glenn’s visionary business acumen, legal mind, and lifelong passion for military history equip him to uncover unique and valuable perspectives in Warriors Hate War—an insightful read."
—Kenneth M. Ford—CEO of Florida Institute for Human and Machine Cognition.
"I have known Glenn Sturm the power lawyer, entrepreneur, the business leader, and the man with the public company Midas touch. Imagine my surprise when I met Glenn Sturm the astrophotographer. Considering his polymathic expanse of skills, it should have been no surprise to meet Glenn Sturm the military historian but his book, Warriors Hate War— Strategy, politicization, successes, and failures of the American Military encouraged, informed, and amazed me. His thesis of applying the Powel Doctrine to American Military actions as a strategic planning tool for future events is profoundly astute and learning of the Sigma War Games and the extent of their predictive outcomes evokes wonder at why certain actions were ever undertaken considering the accuracy of the predictions. A thoroughly worthy and unique literary contribution in the military history genre."
—Governor David A. Paterson—55th Governor of New York.
"As a military veteran and strategic thinker, Glenn weaves together profound insights with a deep understanding of the human spirit. His contributions inspire those around him to strive for excellence and service. Thanks to his new book, Warriors Hate War, Glenn's impact continues to resonate in meaningful ways as he introduces concepts to inform strategic military thinking. In summary, I believe that this book should make Americans and our leaders think carefully about the standards we should follow before we deploy components of our military."
—Dr. Mark Mykityshyn—Former Chairman, U.S. Army War College Board of Visitors. Dr. Mykityshyn Graduated from the Naval Academy and earned his Ph.D. from Georgia Tech. He served on active duty as an officer in the US Marines as an Aviator and flew with the Navy’s flight demonstration team.