Internationally published
bestselling author
Author, astrophotographer, soldier, lawyer, survivor.

Glenn Sturm took a new lease on life when diagnosed with incurable cancer 16 years ago. He left his life as a lawyer, a pilot, and a soldier, became an astrophotographer, and is now a best-selling author of four books to his credit and many more on the way.

Glenn Sturm Photography

Learn the terminology and acquire the skills to capture your own hiding sun.
Solar Flares
October 2022
Syzygies is a series of books that explores a series of eclipses around the world.
2017 Chilean Eclipse

"Being diagnosed was the world-shattering shock that I needed to put things into perspective."
Sometimes freedom finds you
Cancer Set Me Free is Glenn's autobiographical account of not only surviving cancer but transforming his life for the better through it.
Cancer Set Me Free
Turning crisis into calm to survive anything
"Freedom is often in the last place you look. I certainly never dreamed of looking here"
~Glenn Sturm
There's More
Sometimes you're forced to find it
See the book

Learn More about the book
Employing strategies from Glenn's book questions the logic of many past and present military actions.
A Revelation
On why we go to war
This book argues that military conflict needs, and now has, a decision-making framework to avoid or instantly end conflict.
Warriors Hate War
Military Strategy
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what they say
Glenn's visionary business acumen, legal mind, and lifelong passion for military history equip him to uncover unique and valuable perspectives in Warriors Hate War—an insightful read
~Kenneth M. Ford
CEO of Florida Institute for Human and Machine Cognition
“What Glenn has done since he got “The Call” is more than survive. His journey and message are for anyone who faces tragedy. So, that’s everyone."
~Jon L. Mills, ESQ
Professor of Law and Dean Emeritus University of Florida—Former Speaker of the House, State of Florida
"Glenn’s book was so inspirational to me. I too am on a cancer journey but this book is not just for patients and survivors. His insights into living a better and fuller life apply to just about everyone. And now I can be an astrophotographer too :-)."
TJ Lennon
Amazon Customer

Unless you stop yourself, there's no stopping yourself
To connect with Glenn on his photographic art, literature, or speaking engagements on any of his subject matter please click the contact button.
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